CANADA - YKHosting - Super Fast 24/7 0.13.2

Published Feb 5, 2016
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How to connect to Minecraft PE Servers
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cesco1998 8 years ago

please, get the ban my name is hardcorewallas!Thanks to who will

leogen 8 years ago

LostYandere:  You will need to register on login.  All you need to do is /register password and next time, just do /login password   Make sure you choose your own password!

leogen 8 years ago

Sorry to hear that Galaxy, I do remember you asking over and over and over again for ops, so it is likely that someone was short with you.  It's a survival server, so if you don't like to mine in minecraft, lots of other options out there for you!  See you in game!

LostYandere 8 years ago

Everytime I try to join a game it says to login to your account. I have no idea how to do that. Please help!!